Tuesday, November 24, 2009

pondering. a metallic feel.

then he ate my brain.

vampires are on my mind.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


oh boy just watched the new video VIDEO PHONE
by Beyonce ft. Lady Gaga. i heard an interview with Gaga earlier saying she wasn't trying to compete with Beyonce's so she kept her make-up and everything simple.
too bad Beyonce didn't follow that concept because Beyonce looked ridiculous with her 20 outfit changes which none of them had any connection to the last AND what is with the guns?
verdict. Beyonce lame
Lady Gaga did no wrong and I still (heres the confession) love her so nothing in my mind has changed from before and we can all move on.

the song itself was silly but nothing that I didn't like.

Still A New World

I don't know what I shall blog about yet but for now I will just talk about whats going on in my life as of the moment.
I just got a mac. I haven't had a computer for a year, although I've had ways of getting on one it was not my one to sit and have personal time with.
the mac scares me. I am computer savvy enough but sometimes the mac is very frustrating. yet i would never have gotten anything but this and I am completely satisfied with it. :]

After eating at Panara Bread today where i got my usual "you pick two"-much food. (silly me) I went into Barns & Nobles. Now I've been avoiding buying the twilight books now for sometime. I just can't bring myself to pay for them they are expensive for paperback and its just to girl crazy for me to handle. yet i do love a good vampire story(check out the last vampire by christopher pike.i die.) Anyways so once again I left without the twilight books. not yet crazy girl syndrome. but before I left the store on my pointless entry I did stop and look at the new Post Secret Book. very nice. although I'm not a big god person so a lot of the pages I skipped because they're to sappy.

My secret I would send in if I sent one in today would be: I was very disappointed that after I searched the forty some odd post secret books i did not find a lose one that someone left to find.
I'm sorry for the randomly poor capitalization and missing ones i have spent too much of my past teenage life on aim where you're a freak if you type correctly.

I have just gotten over strep throat and have cut my hair Ill leave you with a new never before see clip of me! oh joy unbound here we go!
(please be kind and ignore the lack of (no) make-up (shock! ..oh please don't faint)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

hello new world